Blood Drawer's Field Crossword Clue

Toughie No 2724 by Osmosis

Hints and tips by Dutch

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ****/*****Enjoyment *****

Osmosis gives us top quality: beautifully-crafted surface readings that nicely disguise the definitions, making for an enjoyable and satisfying solve. No sign of Q,X,Y,Z, so no pangram. Makes me wonder if I am missing something else.

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1aNautical position affects deserted seabird (6)
ASTERN : Affects from the clue without the inner letters (deserted) plus a seabird

4aDischarge letter by medical department following illness (8)
EFFLUENT : The spelling of the 6th letter, then the abbreviation for a hospital department following a seasonal illness

10aPerhaps schooner's given to boss filled with whiskey (3-6)
TWO-MASTER : TO from the clue plus a 6-letter boss containing (filled with) the letter with radio code whiskey

11aHabitual tumbler, jockey gets third knocking to head (5)
DRIER : Another word for a horse jockey with the third letter moved to the front (gets third knocking to head)

12aComparatively vile in-laws consistently row (7)
NASTIER : The even letters in 'in-laws' (consistently, as in regularly) plus another word for a row

13aAddresses held at this large relocating centre (7)
LECTERN : The abbreviation for large and an anagram (relocating) of CENTRE

14a    Sort of woolly bears run island (5)
ARRAN : A type of woolly jumper contains (bears) the abbreviation for run

15a    Visiting centre of Brunei, see swamp (8)
INUNDATE : A preposition that can mean visiting, the central two letters of Brunei, and a word that means see (as in to go out with)

18aDepartment prepared to defend head of research lab? (8)
DORDOGNE : A 4-letter verb meaning prepared contains the first letter (head) of research plus the type of animal exemplified by lab

20aSpar's closed after class (3-2)
SET-TO : A 2-letter word meaning closed comes after a class or group

23a    Count Dracula marginally welcoming in French extras (7)
ADDENDA : A 3-letter verb meaning count or tot plus the outer letters (marginally) of Dracula contains a French word meaning 'in'

25aRubbish drawer, with mainly bags in it (7)
DOODLER : I think that this just means the contents of the answer is a 6-letter word meaning bags or lots, without the last letter. Ah, note Gazza's comment: the 'it' refers back to drawer, for which the banking abbreviation is dr. In Chambers, but somehow i missed it.

26a    Port on Adriatic's eastern side? Split (5)
CLEFT : A word meaning the port side follows the last letter ('s eastern side) of Adriatic

27aLiberal character's approval shouted during electronic music (9)
TOLERANCE : A Spanish shout of approval goes inside (during) a type of electronic music

28aOne turns up incline in advanced driving area (8)
ATTENDEE : A verb meaning to incline goes inside the abbreviation for advance plus where you drive a golf ball from

29a    Filling in hole, a dentist's overbearing (6)
LEADEN : Hidden (filling in … )


1d    Insurgent woman should be tethered by stake, they feel (8)
ANTENNAE : The reversal (insurgent) of a woman's name goes inside (should be tethered by) a stake or bet

2dAppropriate time set on alarm clock? (7)
TROUSER : The abbreviation for time and a 6-letter word that would describe an alarm clock

3dStraightened out backside, wrinkly in audition (9)
REALIGNED : A 2-word homophone (in audition) of a word for backside plus a word meaning wrinkly, as a face might be

5dUS maritime centre's original dollar featured (4,10)
FORT LAUDERDALE : An anagram (original) of DOLLAR FEATURED

6d    Little Richard upholding volume, essentially playful (5)
LUDIC : A nickname for Richard without the last letter (little) has above it (upholding) the central letters (essentially) of volume

7dFamous pit in Tyneside hoisted tons (7)
EMINENT : Another word for pit or quarry goes inside a reversal ( hoisted ) of the area known as Tyneside, plus the abbreviation for tons

8d    Modest shipping engineer liable to tax (6)
TIRING : An 8-letter word for modest dispensing with (shipping) the initial abbreviation for an engineer

9dKeep can over fish piece (8,6)
STIRLING CASTLE : A can or prison, a 4-letter fish, and a chess piece

16d    Music genre sure transformed language (9)
DISCOURSE : A type of music plus an anagram (transformed) of SURE

17d    Number of vixen dash off northwards? (8)
FOURTEEN : Remove the 'en' dash from vixen and reverse (northwards)

19dScrap every other staff member close to retirement (7)
ODDMENT : A (3,3) description of every other staff member and the last letter (close to) retirement.

21dHawk's so isolated in shade (7)
TALONED : A 4-letter word meaning isolated goes inside a word meaning a sade or a bit (thanks for the correction gsolphotog)

22dCar Mike gets out of AC Milan's deal (6)
LANCIA : An anagram (deal) of AC (m)ILAN without the letter with radio code Mike

24dIt's impossible, climbing or descending (3,2)
NOT ON : The answer reads the same upwards and downwards

I think my favourite today is defending the head of research lab, though the alarm clock comes close. Which clues did you like?

Blood Drawer's Field Crossword Clue


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